Regina Carlson
Many people dream of having whiter teeth, however trips to the dentist can be costly and time consuming. Here are 5 top tips to help you to whiten your teeth safely, naturally and with minimal costs and effort.
Fibrous Food
Try eating more raw nuts, vegetables and fibrous foods such as apples and broccoli. Not only do they help to remove stains, they can also help to remove cavity causing plaque. Think of them as natural teeth whiteners which also provide a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals at the same time.
From Yellow to White
Turmeric is notorious for staining work surfaces yellow after cooking a curry, however is also has many health benefits such as reducing inflammation and assisting with digestion, not to mention whitening teeth. To help whiten teeth, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of coconut oil to help apply it to the teeth. Brush on once a day and allow the mild abrasiveness to gently remove stains before rinsing thoroughly with water.
Drink Through a Straw
Often dark colored liquids and foods like pomegranate juice and blueberries can cause discolouration of the teeth. Where possible use a straw to drink as this allows any dark liquids to bypass the teeth to help reduce contact and further staining.
Scrub the Tongue
The tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria which can cause bad breath and further discolouration. Using a toothbrush, gently exfoliate the tongue stroking from the back to the front and rinsing off any residue after each stroke. This will allow you to scrape off the bacteria and remove it to avoid coating other parts of the tongue. This can be done every time that you brush your teeth to enhance oral hygiene and whiten your smile.
Rinse with water
Oranges and other citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C and fibre. However the acidity of the juice is corrosive to the teeth and can cause long term damage if consumed too frequently. Brushing the teeth after drinking acidic juice can be damaging as the enamel is at its weakest at that time. Instead try rinsing your mouth with some water to help remove any residue and stop prolonged contact with the acid.
The Advice of Dentists
Good dentists will be able to provide solid advice on good oral hygiene. However these tips here are for those who wish to take a more natural approach to avoid using any artificial chemicals or strong abrasives. Each of these tips is easy to implement, and the results will be evident as soon as you smile.
Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved stories about the past. Whether the stories were about horses, wars, exploration or even dentistry, I loved to hear them. I find that knowing the history of something helps it to make sense and feel approachable. I know that some people have dental anxiety, and I too have suffered, but I also feel like the more you know about dental work and its history, the easier it is. This blog is dedicated to exploring the history of dentistry – What did ancient people use for fillings? How did early dentists numb their patients? Who was the first dentist? Those are just some of the questions I plan to answer here. Ready? Okay, let's dive into the history of dentistry together!