The History of Dentistry

The History of Dentistry

When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary? Common Reasons To Consider

Regina Carlson

Maintaining good oral health is essential to overall health and well-being. However, despite your best efforts to keep your teeth healthy, sometimes tooth extraction becomes necessary. Tooth extraction is the process of taking a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. While this may sound intimidating, it is a routine dental procedure that can help alleviate pain and prevent further complications. Every year, thousands of Australians have tooth extractions performed on them and feel much better afterwards. This article will explore the common reasons for tooth extraction and what you can expect during the procedure.

Severely Damaged Or Decayed Tooth

One of the most common reasons for tooth extraction is severe damage or decay that cannot be treated with a filling, crown, or root canal. In some cases, a tooth may be so damaged that it cannot be saved, and extraction becomes necessary to prevent further pain and infection. This can also happen if the tooth is injured in an accident of some kind, like a cricket ball to the face or perhaps a fall. In some cases, the tooth simply cannot be saved and to avoid a lot of pain and trauma, it has to be removed and replaced with a prosthetic.


Another reason for tooth extraction is overcrowding. When there is not enough space in the mouth, teeth may begin to shift and become misaligned. This can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and even affect your smile. Tooth extraction can help create more space in the mouth, allowing for proper alignment of the remaining teeth. This is commonly sorted out when you are younger, but if it wasn't fixed when you were a child, then tooth extractions become a more viable possibility. It is impractical to go through your whole life with overcrowded teeth as it will simply become more and more uncomfortable, which is why it is better to sort it out now.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often require extraction due to impaction. When there is not enough room in the mouth for these teeth to fully emerge, they can become impacted, causing pain, swelling and even infection. If you never had your wisdom teeth removed, then there is a decent chance that you have some level of wisdom teeth impaction. If you ever experience pain at the back of your jaw or swelling of any kind, you may want to see the dentist about this. 

Contact your dentist for more information about tooth extractions


2023© The History of Dentistry
About Me
The History of Dentistry

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved stories about the past. Whether the stories were about horses, wars, exploration or even dentistry, I loved to hear them. I find that knowing the history of something helps it to make sense and feel approachable. I know that some people have dental anxiety, and I too have suffered, but I also feel like the more you know about dental work and its history, the easier it is. This blog is dedicated to exploring the history of dentistry – What did ancient people use for fillings? How did early dentists numb their patients? Who was the first dentist? Those are just some of the questions I plan to answer here. Ready? Okay, let's dive into the history of dentistry together!