The History of Dentistry

The History of Dentistry

Some Simple Recovery Tips After A Dental Filling

Regina Carlson

A tooth filling is a very common dental treatment. It is a safe and effective procedure, but there are a few things you should remember afterwards.

Let the anaesthetic wear off

If you were given an anaesthetic, your face will be completely numb around the filling for several hours. You will be unable to feel anything in your face, which can be an uncomfortable feeling. This will wear off quite quickly, but in the meantime, you should be careful with eating or drinking as you will not be able to feel where anything is. Hot drinks in particular should be avoided as you could scald your face without noticing. You should also try not to bite your lip or cheek. It is probably best to let the anaesthetic wear off completely before eating or drinking again — especially in public.

Chew gently

Even after you can feel your face, it is best to allow the filling to set properly before you do any hard chewing. It could take until the next day before it is fully hardened, so you should be careful in the meantime not to put too much pressure on it. Try to eat softer foods and avoid things like biting your nails or chewing on pens. Once it has set, it should be just as hard as your teeth, but you should still be careful if there is a lot of filling, as this may weaken the tooth itself.

Check your bite

Your dentist will check your bite after the filling to ensure that the level of the filling is not too high and does not affect the position of your teeth when you are biting. However, it is not always possible to get this right because of the effects of the anaesthetic. If you feel that the tooth is too big and is affecting your bite, it will probably settle down over the next couple of days. If it persists, however, it is easy for your dentist to change it, so get back in touch if you have any concerns.

Keep up the brushing

Finally, don't forget that the filling was necessary because of decay, and this can easily return. Keep up your oral hygiene regime to ensure that there is no further build-up of plaque that could lead to more decay and more fillings.

Fillings should not cause side effects or problems. Contact your dentist for more information about dental fillings


2023© The History of Dentistry
About Me
The History of Dentistry

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved stories about the past. Whether the stories were about horses, wars, exploration or even dentistry, I loved to hear them. I find that knowing the history of something helps it to make sense and feel approachable. I know that some people have dental anxiety, and I too have suffered, but I also feel like the more you know about dental work and its history, the easier it is. This blog is dedicated to exploring the history of dentistry – What did ancient people use for fillings? How did early dentists numb their patients? Who was the first dentist? Those are just some of the questions I plan to answer here. Ready? Okay, let's dive into the history of dentistry together!